General regulations laying down the conditions of use of the sports facilities and sports fields of the Wolu Sports Park

Having regard to the new municipal law, as amended by federal and regional provisions, in particular Article 117 ;

Having regard to the internal rules voted by the Municipal Council on 16.12.2014 ….

Considering that the said Regulation needs to be adapted, in particular with regard to the development of new sports facilities;

On the proposal of the College of Mayor and Aldermen;

DECIDES to implement the following general regulations laying down the conditions for the use of the sports facilities and sports grounds of the Wolu Sports Park:


ARTICLE 1: Context and environment


On 27.06.2014, the Municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (hereinafter referred to as “the Municipality”) signed a concession agreement with the Brussels-Capital Region by which the latter grants a concession to the Municipality for the sports fields and sports facilities (hereinafter referred to as “Wolu Sports Park” or “the sports centre”) located at Edmond Galoppin Avenue No. 1 in the Woluwe Park at 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre for a period of 23 years commencing on 01.09.2014.


The sports centre includes two sports fields (no. 19 V and 19 W) and a sports facility building no. 19 R with 9 tennis courts.


It is part of the classified site of the Woluwe-Saint-Pierre Park and the special conservation area “Natura 2000”.


ARTICLE 2 – General provisions

The purpose of this Regulation is to govern all occupations within the Wolu Sports Park, located at Avenue Edmond Galoppin 1, 1150 Brussels, and to specify the conditions of occupation.


The present rules are applicable, as of right, to any occupant and/or visitor of the Wolu Sports Park, who are supposed to have read them on the website of the Municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, on the website of the Wolu Sports Park and on the valves of the Club.


The municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre reserves the right to terminate any occupation, in accordance with the contractual conditions, which does not respect the obligations arising from these internal rules.


Each occupying association or club will communicate these internal rules to the members of its association or club and will ensure that it is respected both by its staff and by the public who visit it.


ARTICLE 3 – Access to the Wolu Sports Park


  • The Wolu Sports Park is accessible to all except for persons under the influence or intoxicated and persons who clearly intend to disturb public order.
  • The playground games are accessible to children from 3 to 9 years old. The sandbox is accessible to all.
  • Children must remain under the supervision and responsibility of their parents or guardians or an adult if the child participates in an activity or course organised in the sports centre.
  • The College of Mayor and Aldermen fix opening hours and days. It is forbidden to enter the Wolu Sports Park outside of its opening hours, unless expressly authorized by the director or staff of the Club.
  • The circulation of vehicles is prohibited within the Wolu Sports Park, with the exception of technical or delivery vehicles and vehicles for disabled persons or emergency vehicles.
  • Vehicles must be parked in the outside car parks or, in the case of bicycles, in the spaces provided for this purpose in the Wolu Sports Park.
  • Deliveries can only be made via the entrance to the janitor’s office.
  • Only dogs on a leash accompanying handicapped persons are tolerated, the others are forbidden in the Wolu Sports Park enclosure. They must stay at the entrance of the sports centre in the place provided for this purpose and cannot be tied up elsewhere (fences, bicycle racks,…) .
  • Visitors are required to dress decently both inside and outside the Wolu Sports Park. Furthermore, they will wear appropriate clothing for the practice of their sport on the sports facilities.
  • Users of the sports facilities and/or halls of the Wolu Sports Park are required to present themselves upon arrival and to report their departure to the director or her attendant. In the event of office closure, users must report to the restaurant.



ARTICLE 4 – Cleanliness instructions


In the premises:

  • Occupants will pick up litter from the premises, sports fields and surrounding areas after each occupancy and before they leave. They will also pick up their belongings and return the premises to their original state of cleanliness.
  • Occupant-specific equipment must be returned directly after each activity, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Director. The material provided by the centre or the municipality must be stored in the places indicated at the end of each activity, unless otherwise authorized in writing, and in good condition. Any malfunction or damage suffered by this equipment must be immediately reported to the director or her Wolu Sports Park employee.
  • Any equipment or users’ belongings that are left behind after the activities will be placed in the equipment reserve for clubs. The director or her employee reserves the right to keep them at the centre, to throw them away or to give them away.
  • Occupants should ensure that their shoes are clean before entering the Wolu Sports Park premises.
  • It is forbidden to wash your sports shoes in the showers or toilets. A basin located outside the building is reserved for this purpose.


If this is not the case, a 20% increase in the cost of renting the fields or rooms will be charged.


Outside the premises:

  • The deposit of waste on the fields, lawns on the playground or on any other external infrastructure may be subject to administrative sanctions in accordance with the provisions of the law of 24.06.2014.
  • It is forbidden to bring glass cups or bottles on or near the sports facilities.
  • Hockey clubs will ensure that their players and opponents use gourds on the field.


ARTICLE 5 – Observation of degradation


Any occupant who notices a degradation of the premises or sports fields or any anomaly during his time of presence in the structure must inform, as soon as possible, the director of the Wolu Sports Park or members of the staff of the Club.  The occupants are responsible for any damage caused to the premises and the equipment placed at their disposal.


ARTICLE 6 – Safety guidelines


  • In particular, the occupants shall ensure that the number of persons participating in their activities is adapted to the size of the rented or occupied premises and to safety standards.
  • When leaving the property, ensure that all doors and windows in the room are closed, radiators are turned off and lights are turned off.
  • It is forbidden to modify or overload, even temporarily, the electrical installation.
  • It is forbidden to use candles both inside and outside the building.
  • Appliances that operate with gas bottles are prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to barbecue inside the property.
  • It is forbidden to barbecue outside the building outside the terrace.
  • It is forbidden to use auxiliary heaters without the prior written consent of the municipality.
  • No normal or emergency exits may be locked during occupancy.
  • Normal and emergency exits shall be completely clear of all objects at all times and over their entire width. Consequently, no object (table, trestle, chair, display unit, etc.) may obstruct their access or be placed in front of the said exits either inside or outside the building.


It is forbidden to:

  • smoke on the premises or in the sports facilities;
  • consume alcoholic beverages on the Club’s sports fields;
  • introduce or consume illicit products and/or narcotics (drugs);
  • commit acts of violence;

This list is not exhaustive; the principle of rules of life with respect for each person must be respected. The club director or staff may at any time expel anyone whose behaviour or words are contrary to these rules.


The Wolu Sports Park reserves the right to prohibit the placement or use of equipment that does not meet normal safety conditions.


ARTICLE 7 – Works, layout, decoration, display, warehouse


It is forbidden to carry out any work and/or development, even temporary, within the Wolu Sports Park enclosure, without prior authorisation from the municipality.


The director of the Wolu Sports Park must authorize any decoration and/or display, even temporary.

Commercial advertising is prohibited outside the buildings, unless the Municipality gives its written authorization.


It is forbidden to drill holes or damage:

  • the walls, floors, ceilings, woodwork, … of the premises;
  • tennis courts, football, hockey or petanque fields;
  • any other surface in the Wolu Sports Park

howsoever and for whatever reason.


It is forbidden to store anything in the Wolu Sports Park enclosure without prior authorization from the club director or her employee.


ARTICLE 8 – Responsibility


Each occupant is solely responsible for his or her occupation throughout its duration. In the case of a group activity, a person in charge will have to be designated.


Any group and/or club using the premises and sports fields must take out an insurance policy covering its civil liability.


The Municipality declines all responsibility for:

  • any harmful event (theft, loss, damage, bodily injury, etc.) that may occur as a result of the occupation (whether at fault or not), both with respect to the occupant, its members or third parties and with respect to their belongings;
  • any incident, accident, riot, etc. produced in connection with the object of occupation;
  • all theft and damage caused to vehicles using its car parks.


Any person will be held responsible for any damage or deterioration caused to the building, surroundings and furniture, both by himself and his employees and by the participants in the activity he may organize. He will have to reimburse the damages caused.


Organisers of occasional activities and/or events are required to cover their civil liability by taking out, in particular, an organiser’s liability insurance policy. They are also required to insure against all material risks the equipment and, in general, all movable objects belonging to them or used during their stay, including municipal equipment.


ARTICLE 9 – Respect of public order


The occupants undertake to respect:

  • the standards and limitations provided for by the regulations in force in terms of safety and fire prevention, respect for emergency exits and all useful measures in terms of safety and fire prevention.
  • the municipal, regional and/or national regulations for shows and activities as well as the general police regulations of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre.

and to pay municipal or regional taxes, levies, copyrights and other possible royalties arising from their activities.


Events organised by third parties on the Wolu Sports Park site and accessible to the public, as well as any event, even of a private nature, organised after 10.00 pm must be authorised by the Mayor of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre. This authorisation must be requested 10 working days in advance by e-mail at A copy of the authorisation must be sent to the Wolu Sports Park before the event.


ARTICLE 10 – Control of the use of sports facilities


All occupants of the sports facilities are subject to control by the Director or Centre staff at any time of the day or evening. These checks protect the users and must therefore be carried out with the utmost courtesy.


ARTICLE 11 – Energy


Users must avoid any waste of energy during and after hours of use.


The users or designated persons in charge of the activities taking place in the Wolu Sports Park will ensure that the lighting in the changing rooms and premises is turned off if there are no more occupants.


They shall likewise avoid any misuse of heating, showers and toilets before, during and after hours of occupancy.


In case of abuse or forgetfulness, rentals may be increased by 20%.


ARTICLE 12 – Changing rooms and lockers


  • The changing rooms are only accessible to people practising a sport within the Wolu Sports Park enclosure, unless they have the authorization of the Wolu Sports Park Director.
  • The changing rooms must be vacated ¼ one hour before the Wolu Sports Park closes.
  • The lockers may be used on a one-time basis or for longer periods of time with the permission of the Director. The manager or staff of Wolu Sports Park may open any locker that has been equipped with a padlock without prior authorization from the director. These lockers must be emptied at least once a year. Users will be notified by email.
  • The users of the lockers will be solely responsible for the belongings in the lockers.
  • They will notify the manager or janitor as soon as the activities end and no later than 30 minutes after the end of occupancy.


ARTICLE 13 – Warehouse room


A warehouse room is made available to sports clubs using the sports facilities for their equipment. Each user has a key. The Municipality declines all responsibility in the event of theft or damage to the said equipment inside the premises.


ARTICLE 14 – Catering


It is forbidden for Wolu Sports Park users to consume any food or drink within the club grounds that has not been purchased at the restaurant and/or from the dispensing machines present in the Wolu Sports Park, unless otherwise authorized by the Municipality or the restaurant owner. Picnics are forbidden. Still water is tolerated for sportsmen and women within the Wolu Sports Park.


ARTICLE 15 – Specific provisions




The Municipality manages the Wolu Sports Park tennis club, the PARK WOLU T.C. The club is affiliated to the A.S.B.L. ASSOCIATION FRANCOPHONE DE TENNIS under the registration number 1039. As such, the members of the tennis club are also affiliated to the said A.S.B.L. and are therefore covered in case of accident on the courts. They can also participate in official tournaments organised in Belgium.


Preamble: becoming a member of the tennis club for the summer season (01 April – 30 October)

  • On weekdays and weekends: registrations can be made by e-mail (, in the office of the director of the Wolu Sports Park (avenue Edmond Galoppin 1 – 1150 Brussels) between 9 am and 4 pm or by appointment (02.773.07.88).
  • It is necessary to be in possession of an identity document and, if necessary, a family composition to be able to benefit from the preferential rates in force at the club.
  • The membership fee must be paid 8 days after registration:
    • By transfer to the Wolu Sports Park account: BE86 0910 1039 0850.
    • By Bancontact or by cash on the spot, at the time of registration.

No registration will be done by phone.

Persons who have not paid their dues will be required to pay the hourly rate for the rental of the courts and will not be able to reserve a court in advance.

By becoming a member of the tennis club, the person acknowledges having read the rules and regulations of the tennis club and agrees to abide by them.


Access to the courts

  • Access to the courts is allowed to tennis players as well as referees and coaches of high-stakes matches, to the exclusion of spectators and any other person.
  • Courts are not accessible when they are being renovated or are deemed impractical by the Centre’s director or staff.



  • Only members of the Tennis Club in good standing can reserve a court in advance. A SINGLE HOUR can be reserved up to 3 days in advance. As soon as this time has been used, a new time reservation can be made.
  • A reservation is valid only if it complies with the provisions of the Centre’s Internal Rules.
  • Reservations are made:
    • via internet 24 hours a day (;
    • via the Centre’s internet terminal, during opening hours;
    • by telephone (02/773.07.88) from Monday to Friday between 10 and 12 a.m. only for people without internet access.
  • The courts are occupied at the hour of play
  • A court reserved but unoccupied 10 minutes after the hour becomes available again for another occupancy.


Invitations and occasional occupancy

  • Hourly rental of the courts is possible for anyone wishing to play tennis occasionally, subject to the payment of a fee set by the Municipality Council;
  • A guest is a person not affiliated with the Tennis Club, invited by a member. This person must also pay a fee for the rental of the court set by the Municipality Council;
  • The payment of the said fee shall be made at the bar or at the office of the Centre before playing. If payment is made after playing, a 50% surcharge will be applied.
  • In the case of an invitation by a Club member, if payment is not made on the day of the invitation, the amount will be doubled. If the amount owed by a member’s guest is not paid, the member in question will be suspended from the right to play.
  • Only members of the Tennis Club will be able to reserve courts in advance, occasional players will only be able to play on the free courts.



Wearing clean, legal footwear is strictly required. Any offender will be excluded immediately.



  • The courts are reserved for the sole practice of tennis.
  • Jumping over the net is forbidden.
  • Occupants of the courts are kindly requested to deactivate their mobile phones.
  • All players must behave in a correct manner and refrain from racket throwing, ball throwing, inappropriate gestures, rudeness,…
  • It is forbidden for anyone to bring any foreign equipment or machinery to play tennis on the court.


Rules applicable to the use and occupancy of facilities

  • A player registered on a court must occupy that court to the exclusion of all others.
  • Even if there are no crowds, it is forbidden to occupy a court without first having been registered.
  • At the end of the game, the occupants are required to pass the levelling net over the entire court area (playing surface and clearances).
  • The Director, Centre staff members or Committee, may decide the watering of the courts at the end of the hour.
  • In case of rain, the players must immediately stop the game, except during competition where the decision is up to the referee.



  • The manager or staff of the Centre may reserve one or more courts for competitions of any kind.
  • The manager or the person in charge of the competitions informs the members, via the Club’s website, of the dates, times, number of courts reserved and special arrangements.



Tennis school

  • Tennis lessons and courses are only given by the school designated by the Municipality of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre.
  • The Municipality reserves the right to appoint a volunteer coach for the Tennis Club.



The Commune declines all responsibility in case of accidents. Only the membership card of the Association Francophone de Tennis (A.F.T.) covers the players in case of an accident on the court or the personal liability insurance for people who are not members of the tennis club.





  • Only teams authorised in advance by the Municipality or by the director can use the infrastructures.
  • The list of clubs that use the fields annually is officially drawn up by the Sports Advisory Council and ratified after the annual plenary meeting of the Council by the College of Mayors and Aldermen.
  • Any new request for annual occupation by clubs must be made in writing to the Sports Advisory Council and to the Sports Department of the Municipality ( – 02/773.07.83).
    • The fields are accessible all year round for clubs.
  • Outside the periods of occupation by the clubs, the fields may be accessible to all, upon written request and with the prior written permission of the municipality.
  • All users must report their presence before the start of field use.
  • The fields are not accessible for training when they are being repaired or are deemed impractical by the Manager or Centre staff.



  • Users undertake to respect scrupulously the occupancy schedules as defined at the plenary meeting organized annually by the Sport Advisory Council. Any modification must have the prior approval of the Sport Advisory Council.
  • Officials, players and coaches must have left the facilities (changing rooms, fields and surroundings) ½ hour after the end of the match or training session.
  • Lights are scheduled to be turned off as soon as activities end and no later than 10:00 p.m. Users must ensure that the lights on the fields are turned off after they leave.


Responsibility and supervision

A person in charge must be designated:

  • for official matches;
  • for the training sessions;
  • for each occasional occupation.


The Municipality declines all responsibility in case of accidents. Clubs are required to take out insurance covering civil liability and personal injury.



  • Players, coaches and club officials will adopt a correct attitude and language. No outbursts will be tolerated.
  • The equipment will be stored in the room provided for this purpose after the matches and training sessions.
  • Team managers will ensure the cleanliness of the fields and changing rooms at the end of each occupation.
  • It is imperative to respect the environment and the residents of Woluwe Park: the use of loudspeakers, gas bottle horns or other instruments causing noise pollution is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to walk on the lawns or to enter the restaurant with spiked shoes. Special provisions for the hockey field:
  • It is forbidden to go on the field with dirty shoes.
  • It is forbidden to play hockey off the field.
  • It is forbidden to store material on the sprinklers.
  • It is forbidden to modify the programming of the sprinklers.
  • It is forbidden to smoke on the field.
  • It is forbidden to jump over the barriers to enter the field.
  • It is forbidden to hang on the goals or to move them without the presence of an adult.
  • The goals must be stored on the side of the field and attached at the end of each use.
  • The water fountain must be used sparingly.
  • It is forbidden to bring disposable cups or bottles on the field, only gourds are allowed.



  • Only persons authorized by the Municipality or the director can have access to the dance hall
  • The dance classes will be given in priority by a dance school designated by the Municipality.
  • Room users should ensure that they wear clean and appropriate footwear.


ARTICLE 16 – Bad weather

In the event that Woluwe Park is closed to the public, the Wolu Sports Park will also be closed to the public and all activities will have to be cancelled until the Park reopens to the public. The Municipality will in no way be held responsible for this closure and users will not be able to claim any compensation or indemnity.


ARTICLE 17 – Penalties

The Director and the staff of the Centre shall be empowered to ensure compliance with these Regulations and the special provisions adopted pursuant thereto. Where an infringement, irregularity or fraud has been established and the offender does not comply, in the public interest, he may be expelled from the premises and the Municipality may impose penalties.


ARTICLE 18 – Interpretations

The College of Mayor and Aldermen will decide on all cases not provided for in these regulations and which fall within its jurisdiction.

Wherever the masculine gender is used in this Regulation, the text shall be extended to include the feminine gender.